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August 13, 2013
Born to Run--Firebringer by *TheAntimonyElement
The suggester said: "To truly appreciate this work of art it must be seen in full size, and even then the artist states that it's not as big as the tangible piece! It has brilliant coloring and displays excellent paper cutting.'
Featured by cakecrumbs
Suggested by Koceta
TheAntimonyElement's avatar

Born to Run--Firebringer



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So, this summer I discovered Meredith Ann Pierce's "Firebringer Trilogy." Hoo boy. Hoooooooo boy. Where were they for like, my entire childhood? WHERE? D: If you like unicorns, read these. If you dislike unicorns (me), read these ANYWAY. THEY ARE THAT GOOD. First book is "Birth of the Firebringer," and once you read it you will never again doubt that unicorns can be badass. :P Also, there are gryphons and dragons and wyverns and pans and etc. Phenomenal writing, great characters, and a magnificently rich world. OMNOMNOM.

So I was overcome by the need to make some appropriate unicorn-y fanart a few months ago, and since I felt like fooling around with scissors again I did some inking and cut out silhouettes of a few key characters from the series. This proved to be ridiculously fun. So I did some more. And then I did just about every protagonist in the series, and started leafing through the books for more. XD Aaaand here you have it!

This has been like 90% done since September, but that last 10% was a bear. I just couldn't seem to get the thing done! Finally I buckled down and I can't even tell you how glad I am that it's out of my hair now. XD

Also, you can't really tell from this image, but this thing is really freakin' big--about three feet long. Each of the unicorns is about the size of an outspread palm.

* * *

This is set after the battle of Endingfire in the final book...hopefully you can tell who all the characters are, but if not, from left to right, we have:
Jah-lila, the pan sisters Sismoomnat and Pitipak, Teki, Oro, Lell and the gryphon Illishar, Calydor, Ses, Culu, Ryhenna, Dagg, Tek, the twins Dhattar and Aiony, and Aljan himself. Overhead is the dragon Wyzasukitan. (I love the unicorns' colors, btw...most of them have totally normal horse-colors, and then you have the occasional Calydor and Tek thrown in to keep things interesting XD)

This is 100% ink-and-papercutting...all of the individual pieces are actually taped on, because I'm a huge wuss and too terrified to actually glue. XD Probably for the better, considering how much I rearranged this thing. Also, there is some gold metallic pen and some white gel pen in there somewhere. :B Hope it doesn't burn your eyes too much...patching all the different scans together did a real number on the colors. XD

Whooooo it's done! Enjoy! ^^
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EmberWolfsArt's avatar

I grew up with the first book (sadly Dark Moon and Summer Stars was not translated to my language but I read them when I learned english) and I still love them to this day. If you have not read: I can recommend The girl who loved Reindeer by Meredith as well. Impossible to put down until you finished the entire thing.